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Page Like vs Page Follower

social media tips


You may have noticed on your Facebook business page you have Page Likes and Page Followers. Most of the time those numbers are different which causes confusion. 

So let’s clear this up and explain the four ways you can interact with a page

Like the Page

Page Likes are the people who click on the thumbs up and publicly declare that they like your page. Their person profile picture is displayed and it is reflected on their personal timeline.  When someone clicks "Like" by default, they both Like & Follow the page. 

Follow the Page

Someone clicks to Follow your Page but doesn’t want to Like it. Your content will show up in their personal Newsfeed but their personal profile won't show up as someone who Likes your Page.

Like the Page but doesn't Follow 

They decide that they would say publicly that they Like your Page but they do not want to receive your content.

No Like or no Follow

They may have stumbled across your Page but they decided to not Like or Follow. The good news is you can reach these people again with ads if they are included in your ads targeting. 


The good news is you can use Facebook ads to create custom and Look-a-Like audiences no matter how people interact with your Page.

You might be asking what is more valuable a Page Like or a Page Follow?

And honestly, it’s a tough call but I’m going to say a Follower because they have chosen to see your content and Facebook just introduced a  News Feed Specifically for business pages.

This is a dedicated space to interact with your page and you are able to separate your work time from personal time on Facebook.

In this Newsfeed, you will see content from Pages in your industry or location to inspire you with ideas for your own page. 

Follow pages that are relevant to your business or audience to fill this newsfeed with informative and useful content. 

Facebook is now recommended Pages for you to follow in your personal Feed similar to what they do on Instagram.

I talk about how to leverage the Page Newsfeed to build your reputation inside the Simple Facebook Marketing Academy (join for a limited time).

You may begin to notice that your Followers are higher than your Page Likes and that’s ok. I would begin to worry if your Followers are lower than your Likes because then people are not relating to your content and are intentionally Unfollowing you. 

That is when you want to reevaluate your content strategy.

If having information like this is beneficial to your business I recommended becoming a member of the Simple Facebook Marketing Academy. Knowing simple tips like this can create a positive impact on your business. 


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