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Women taking a photo of her product to set up a Facebook ad, Facebook Ads: Where to Start guide

Facebook Ads: Where to Start?

social media tips

Many business owners don’t realize there are two ways to advertise on Facebook: boosting a post and using Facebook Ads Manager.

You’ve probably heard other businesses rave about how Facebook ads have transformed their sales and brought in new customers.

You want to try it, too, but you feel overwhelmed.

You’re worried about the cost and see Facebook ads as an expense rather than an investment.

This is a common concern for many small business owners.

Let’s break down the differences between boosting a post and using Facebook Ads Manager in simple, relatable terms to help you get started confidently.

Boosting a Post

What It Is:
Boosting a post is a quick way to get more people to see something you've already posted on your Facebook page.

How It Works:

  • Easy to Use: Boosting a post is simple. You click the "Boost Post" button on your page, set a budget, and pick who you want to see it.
  • Who Sees It: You can select some basic options, such as age, gender, location, and interests, but they are not very detailed.
  • Goals: Boosted posts are good for getting more likes, comments, and shares or sending people to your website.


  • Very Simple: Great if you're new to Facebook ads.
  • Quick to Set Up: Takes just a few minutes.


  • Limited Options: Not as many choices for who sees your ad.
  • Fewer Features: Doesn't have all the tools that Ads Manager has.

Facebook Ads Manager

What It Is:Facebook Ads Manager is a more powerful tool for making and managing ads. You can find it on the menu on the left side of your Facebook home feed.

How It Works:

  • More Options: Ads Manager lets you choose very specific groups of people to see your ads, using things like custom audiences and detailed interests.
  • Different Goals: You can pick from many goals, like getting more people to know about your brand, getting leads, making sales, or getting app installs.
  • Ad Types: You can create many kinds of ads, like carousels, videos, slideshows, and more.
  • Track Performance: Ads Manager gives you detailed reports to see how well your ads are doing.


  • Full Control: You have lots of choices for who sees your ads and how they work.
  • Advanced Tools: Lots of features to help you make better ads.
  • Detailed Reports: See exactly how your ads are performing.


  • More Complicated: Might be harder to use if you're new to Facebook ads.
  • Takes Time: Setting up and managing ads can take longer.


Boosting a Post:

  • Best For: Simple and quick engagement.
  • Targeting: Basic options.
  • Control: Limited.

Facebook Ads Manager:

  • Best For: Detailed ads and specific goals.
  • Targeting: Very detailed.
  • Control: Extensive.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of using Facebook ads, you're not alone. Many small business owners worry about the cost and see it as an expense rather than an investment. I've been running Facebook ads for clients for years, and I understand how daunting it can be to get started.

If you need help, you can hire me* to run the ads for you or train you on how to do it yourself. With the right guidance, you can turn Facebook ads into a powerful tool for growing your business without feeling overwhelmed. Let's make Facebook ads work for you!


*There may be funding available to cover some of the cost. Reach out for details.


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