Helping You Grow Your Business

Smiling woman with text overlay 'You've Got To Be Known for Something,' highlighting the happiness of clients who know how she helps them succeed.

You've Got To Be Known for Something


You're offering incredible products or services, but you're missing out if people don’t associate your name with a specific solution. 

When I started my business in 2014, I focused on helping businesses use Facebook more effectively. I became known as the “Facebook Simplifier,” helping businesses build awareness and increase sales through simplified, strategic use of Facebook. Anytime anyone had an issue with Facebook, they reached out to me. My inbox blows up if Facebook goes down because people assume I can fix it.

This initial focus did wonders for my business. People knew exactly what I did and how I could help them.

As social media platforms grew and evolved, so did my business and expertise.

At first, it was about helping businesses use Facebook and its ever-changing features. But with all the advancements for businesses, being seen wasn't enough. They wanted to make sales. I shifted to helping clients clarify their messaging so they could use the right words to stand out and make people buy. Whether that was through organic content or ads.

Brand messaging is about understanding where your clients are and where they want to be, and using the right words to get them there. 

Having this clarity isn't just for social media; it gets ALL of your online assets working together. Your email campaigns, website content, and social media posts all align to create a journey for your clients to buy. This approach amplifies your impact and makes your marketing efforts more effective.

Why Do You Need to Be Known for Solving a Specific Problem?

  • People don't want a plumber—they’ve got a leak in their ceiling, and it’s flooding their house.
  • They don’t want a florist—they need to send flowers to a loved one’s funeral.
  • You may have heard this one before: People don’t need a drill—they need a 1/4" hole.

The same principle applies to your business. Having a clear message helps you understand the problem you are solving.

If you don’t know the problem you solve, neither does your client.

When your message is clear, people understand the problem you solve and how you can help them. This clarity builds trust and makes it easier for clients to choose you over others.

So many business owners fall into the trap of wanting to be known for everything. They offer a wide range of services or products, hoping to appeal to everyone. But this approach can dilute your brand and confuse your audience. 

When you’re trying to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing to no one. It’s hard for people to remember what you do and how you can help them. It also makes it difficult for people to refer you.

Instead, focus on one thing. Be known for solving a specific problem.

This focus will help you build a strong reputation and make it easier for people to refer you to others.

Start by identifying the common problems your clients face. What are their biggest pain points? How does that problem make them feel? What solutions do you have to help them?

Once you identify these, you can tailor your messaging to address these specific problems. This focus will make your marketing efforts more effective and help you stand out.

When you’re known for something, it opens up numerous opportunities. People will seek you out for your expertise, leading to more clients and increased revenue. You’ll also build a strong reputation in your industry, which can lead to speaking engagements, partnerships, and more. There’s also personal satisfaction in being recognized for your expertise.

Remember, people store your name in their brains by the problem you solve. Make sure your brand message is clear and consistent, so when someone needs help in your area of expertise, you’re the first person they think of. The more specific and focused you are, the easier it will be for people to remember you and reach out when they need help.


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