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How to raise kids and run a business? 

business tips

Running a business is challenging. It requires time, dedication, and sacrifice. You need consistent income, healthcare, vacation time which is not guaranteed when you work for yourself. That pressure to have that consistency can feel even greater when you are raising kids but it is doable. 

I recently polled my audience asking what advice they would give someone who was trying to raise kids and a business and these are their responses:

1. "Kids first. Make your operation as kid-friendly as possible. Don't push the business on the kids. Let them fall in love with it so it never feels like a job. Just a way of life." -Keisha Parsons Richards

2. "Stay focused keep faith and remain prayerful don’t stop you got this." -Shannon Nickson 

3. "Always make sure you include your children in the business what you show them its a long time investment!" - Mars Bossishere 

4. "Make God your priority and it will all work out." -Scott N Tammie Anderson

5. "Patience with yourself and your kids go along way." -Shukanga Ayuso

6. "Don’t give up and create balance" -Kandy Howard 

7. "I don't have kids at home at this stage but a couple of suggestions I've heard in my coaching space is to either get up before they do, plan work during their media time, set up a Zoom call with their friends so they can socialize and be engaged while you work. Plan ahead with a spouse a 1-2 hour block of uninterrupted time if at all possible." -Clarenda Price

8. "Advice for parents, learn how to budget your time like you budget your money! You only have so much to spend on work and family so spend wisely!" -Amanda Bennett

9. "My #1 tip would be that you have to carve out uninterrupted work time to be successful with work and you must set aside time where your focus is solely the kids. Where possible, set work hours. At peak times you’ll need to be creative in finding more time to work, such as getting up extra early before everyone else or get kids to bed early enough to have some productive evening hours. 

When my girls were young and I was doing contract work involving lots of computer reporting time, daily naptime was sacred productive work time. This meant that afternoon nap time was sacred 7 days a week and meant I had quality time with my husband on the weekends - which I wish we could have back!

Also, to succeed in business, moms need to give themselves designated childcare time. It doesn’t matter that you’re working from home. You can’t give the kids and work your full attention at the same time. You’ll always be in internal conflict. When mine were little, they went to daycare 2-3 days a week. Until COVID, school hours were my sacred uninterrupted work hours. Wellness has always been a priority, so I still made classes at the gym 3-4 mornings a week a priority, even though this impinges on valuable work time. 

All that being said, I believe there are stages in life where building a business makes sense and stages when it doesn’t. I would not have been able to build my Disney travel planning business to what it is now if I’d attempted this when my girls were preschool age and younger. You also need to be in a financial position to take risks and possibly make nothing for months and even years. If you need a steady income at this stage in life, it’s probably not the right time to quit your job and start something new." -Amy At Click The Mouse


Different challenges arise when your kids in the infants-toddler stage compared to middle school, high school etc. Things change again depending on what stage your business is at but you will always find a balance that works for your family.

The gift of allowing your kids to watch you chase your dream and see you work hard to build something that you’re proud of should never be taken for granted.  You can reach your goals if you are persistent and consistent.

You’re giving them permission to follow their own passions. It gives them the confidence to not follow social norms and to really explore opportunities that a lot of people miss.

The overwhelming message is that it is absolutely doable.

Don’t put your dream on hold because you have kids because as Marie Forleo says “Everything is Figureoutable

If you have other suggestions that should be added to this list send me an email and let me know. 


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