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Book Review #10: A Happy Pocket Full Of Money

I loved this book! There were some parts that were so deep I had to reread them several times. 

I'm focused on creating more wealth this year and I'm loving reading all these money books. We all have our own beliefs about money where some people think its wrong or evil to have money, some feel unworthy, some people feel their greedy if they have too much, and some people attract it so easily. 

Our bank accounts reflect how we think and feel about money. If your balance isn't really where you think it should be then you need to start finding out what your subconscious mind really "believes" about money. 

This book includes some of the science behind the Law of Attraction and it really squashed some of the beliefs that I held about money. 

We don't ever doubt there will be enough air to breathe so why do we ever doubt there won't be enough money?

There is a study guide included in the back of this book so if any of you are interested in forming a book club for this book let me know I would love to go through it again. 

I ordered my copy from Amazon, here is the link to grab yourself one



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